Sunday, March 12, 2017

Using Pix4D with Ground Control Points (GCPs)


Last week, imagery was processed with the software suite Pix4D. The same was done this week, however, this time Ground control points (GCPs) were used. GCPs are surface points on the Earth that have a known location. In this lab, GCPs were added to the imagery after initial processing and before final processing. Doing so added accuracy and thus, additional value to the final results.

Ground Control Points

The use of GCPs involves placing physical, conspicuous markers throughout the area from which the imagery is derived (Figure 1). They should be spaced at well-thought, general intervals around the perimeter and throughout the area. In this case, the ground control points are approximately 2'x2' squares of 1/2" plywood. Alternating bright yellow and black triangles make an 'hour-shape' or 'X pattern.'

Figure 1. Image of GCP


Pix4D was again used to process the Litchfield Mine imagery as was in a previous lab. The data from two separate flights were processed as one. Pix4D has the functionality to either process both flights at once (Figure 2), or process each and then merge them together. When harvesting and processing data with multiple flights, there must be an ample amount overlap (Figure 3) in the imagery to ensure a quality product.

Figure 2: Quality report image of 2 merged flights

Figure 3: Ample amount of overlap in flights sample

Before initial processing, the GCPs were added by importing the GCP file. The GCP file is a text file that contains the Y, X, and Z coordinates of the GCPs that were obtained while in the field. Once imported into Pix4D software (Figure 4), initial processing of the imagery began.

Figure 4: 'Import GCPs' functionality in Pix4D 

Once initial processing was done, GCPs then needed to be "tied down." One can see in Figure 5 that there exists an issue with the software when processing imagery from the DJI Phantom 3. The altitude is incorrect and each GCP's elevation populates above the surface model. Each GCP needed to manually have imagery corrected and validated as to where each individual GCP exists.

Figure 5: Elevated GCPs (blue markers) above surface model

Each GCP selected had 2-8 pictures that the Pix4D software recognized as including that same GCP (Figure 6). The task was to then locate the GCP square in the imagery, zoom in very close into the center of the GCP and then mark it (Figure 7). By doing so, the software was trained as to where the GCPs were. The more pictures that were georeferenced the GCP to, the more accurate the final result of each GCP was.

FIgure 6: Pix4D recognizing GCPs in imagery

Figure 7: Zoomed in center of GCP for marking

Once that process was completed corresponding to the GCPs, the imagery then needed to be reoptimized. The reoptimization function allows for Pix4D to then "tie down" (Figure 8) the imagery to the appropriate elevation. Once reoptimization was complete final processing began. The final quality check indicated the processing was sound (Figures 9 and 10). The data rendered after, was then ready to have maps made in ArcGIS.

Figure 8: Orange lines illustrating the 'tying down' of a GCP

Figure 9: Green cones overlapping blue GCPs indicating their correct position in surface model
Figure 10: Final quality check report image



There is an area on the south side of both maps where the data is distorted. This is due to the forest line and vegetation skewing the data (Figure 11). 

Figure 11: Forest line skewing section of Ortomosaic (left) and DSM (right)

Overall, GCPs added value and accuracy to the final product. One must be diligent in the field in planning GCP points and obtaining quality GCP data as its accuracy is essential to the process.

The quality report (Figure 10) states that there was a 1.01% relative difference between initial and optimized internal camera parameters. The larger the area, the greater the impact of accuracy. In this case, the surveyed area has a rough, approximate diameter of 500 meters. While 1% may not sound far off, 5 meters is a large amount in an industry where commercial-grade outputs sometimes see sub-centimeter accuracy.  

The issue that occurs with DJI Phantom imagery and the elevation level of GCPs is unfortunate. The step of having to manually tie down the GCPs in Pix4D took a large amount of time. In a real world application, one would want to fully process a project of similar size, in about half of the time.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Using ArcGIS Pro to engage in Value Added Data Analysis


For this project, I am to take the following ArcGIS online mini-lessons to calculate pervious and impervious surface area, and then classify an aerial image that determines surface types:

  • Segment the Imagery
  • Classify the Imagery
  • Calculate Impervious Surface Area

Once done, the surface types allow for easy user and consumer delineation of the data for all types of purposes.


The course allowed me to download all of the data necessary into my student folder. 

To calculate surface imperviousness I needed to complete all of the steps above. 

Segmenting the Imagery

First I needed to prepare the imagery. This task is a 3 step process consisting of segmenting imagery on the fly, reviewing the segmentation, and segmenting the imagery with geoprocessing. Below you can see the extraction of spectral bands into an image with only 3 spectral bands. This process makes classifying the surface area much easier in the next step.

Classifying the Imagery

To classify the imagery, I needed to use ArcMap. There is was able to find like areas such as roofs, driveways, roads, bare Earth, and grass, and use a classification tool to identify them as such. The tools allows me to draw rectangles on those objects. The inside area of those rectangles identify colors of like characteristics in the image and I was able to rename their classes appropriately and assign appropriate colors.

 I then needed to use the reclassify tool to help differentiate natural (pervious), versus man-made (impervious) objects in the imagery.

Calculating the Impervious Surface Area

To calculate the impervious surface area, the lesson had me generate 100 random points and then assign the first 10 pervious (1) or impervious (0).

Next, a confusion matrix was utilized to help determine the accuracy of the raster data.

At this point, the land parcel's impervious areas are ready to be calculated, using the Tabulate the area tool.

 Once tabulated, and joint with the parcels layer, impervious surface analysis imagery is created. I changed the symbology colors to match what was in the lesson.



ArcGIS Pro is the successor to ArcMap. I haven't had much experience with either software, so a comparison wouldn't be appropriate or thorough. Using ArcGIS Pro is a great tool to add value to data and imagery. Again, I've only scratched the surface with the functionality of the software. I can easily see though, how presenting the data in various ways, such as reporting impervious versus pervious surface imagery could be used in commercial applications. I'm excited to see what else it can do!

Processing Pix4D Imagery

Part 1: Getting familiar with the Pix4D

Look at Step 1 (before starting a project). What is the overlap needed for Pix4D to process imagery?

Generally speaking, the recommended overlap for most cases is at least 75% frontal overlap (with respect to the flight direction) and at least 60% side overlap (between flying tracks).
When flying over trees and dense vegetation, Pix4D recommends to increase the coverage to 85% and 70% side overlaps, respectively. This is due to the complex geometry associated with that environment.

What if the user is flying over sand/snow, or uniform fields?

Due to snow and sand having large uniform areas, they typically have little visual content. Pix4D recommends to use a higher-than-general overlap of 85% frontal and 70% side overlaps. They also advise to increase the contrast as high as possible. It may help to also increase the altitude when flying over areas with flat, homogenous visual content.

What is Rapid Check?

Rapid Check is a faster method of processing Pix4D data that reduces the resolution of the original images. It can be used for a couple of reasons. If the user wants to check the quality of images he or she wants to fully process quickly, they can run Rapid Check. If the rapid/low resolution process succeeds, they can assume the results of future, full processing to be high quality. The user can also use Rapid Check to intentionally create a lower quality output. If a lower resolution output satisfies their need, they can use it and save time in processing.

Can Pix4D process multiple flights? What does the pilot need to maintain if so?

Yes. Pix4D can process multiple flights, though the data collector needs to make sure that each flight plan acquires enough overlap in the images and that they are taken in similar weather conditions.

Can Pix4D process oblique images? What type of data do you need if so?

Yes. Pix4D can process oblique images as well. To do so, one needs data from multiple flights with images taken from between 10 and 35 degrees, with plenty over overlap. In that case, Pix4D will not create an orthomosaic. The use of ground control points (GCPs) or manual tie points are recommended.

Are GCPs necessary for Pix4D? When are they highly recommended?

While GCPs are not required to use Pix4D, they are highly recommended. If a user processed images that weren't geolocated in Pix4D and didn't use GCPs, the results would have no scale, orientation and absolute position information. Thus they couldn't be used for comparison, measurement, or overlay with previous results.

What is the quality report?

The quality report is a pdf document that is generated by Pix4D once processing is complete. The report allows the user to have a quality check on what's been processed by the software. Much information is included in the quality report, including image information, a preview of the processed imagery, data-set information, georeferencing, and more.

Part 2: Use the software

Pix4D is a photogrammetry software suite that uses images to generate 2D and 3D information, point clouds, digital surface models (DSM), digital elevation models (DEM), other terrain models, orthomosaics, textured models, and more.

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 64 bits.
  • CPU quad-core or hexa-core Intel i7/Xeon.
  • GeForce GPU compatible with OpenGL 3.2 and 2 GB RAM
  • Hard disk: SSD
  • Small projects (under 100 images at 14 MP): 8 GB RAM, 15 GB SSD Free Space.
  • Medium projects (between 100 and 500 images at 14 MP): 16GB RAM, 30 GB SSD Free Space.
  • Very Large projects (over 2000 images at 14 MP): 16 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD Free Space.

Pix4D allows civilian, lightweight, hobbyist drones to become mapping and surveying tools. A user can convert thousands of aerial images taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)  into geo-referenced material including 2D mosaics, 3D surface models and point clouds. Pix4D software features advanced automatic aerial triangulation which is derived from the image content and unique optimization techniques.

The software is extremely user friendly. To demonstrate, Pix4D offers a "Demo Project" that users can practice with. For this project, I used instruction and course materials provided by Dr. Joseph Hupy from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.

First the user simply adds the images they wish to be processed.

Once chosen, the user reviews the image properties window and makes any necessary adjustments. 

In this case, I made an adjustment to the "Shutter Model" to a Linear Rolling Shutter setting before moving forward.

Next, I chose from multiple processing options templates. For this project, 3D Map was chosen.

As a best practice, I chose to only have Pix4D conduct initial processing. All of the processing steps take time. Initial processing generates a quality report that can give the user confidence in the continuing of processing, and avoid losing time processing the remaining steps if the initial processing didn't produce satisfactory results. If the quality report shows that results are satisfactory, the user can then process the remaining data.

Pix4D also allows users to make animations of what's been processed.

Part 3: Maps

The above map is a DSM made with ArcMap from the result of processed imagery through Pix4D. The green areas represent the highest points of elevation.
The above map is an orthomosaic made with ArcMap from the result of processed imagery through Pix4D. Questions regarding the DSM or the orthomosaic can be referred to the other and compared to seek answers. I created one each of the second flight as well, shown below.

I've only scratched the surface in regards to Pix4D functionality. I have no experience with using GCPs or oblique imagery with the software. Thus, it is difficult to fully review the product. What I can say however, is that it is a very useful tool and the software is quite robust and user friendly. I'm impressed with how easy it was for me to process the imagery. 

While of course it can be used with images that came from most platforms, Pix4D does give a hobbyist UAS pilot an opportunity to create additional, more geospacially relevant data than they would be able to create without it or software like it. Pix4D adds value to the imagery being processed. 


1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.

2-Very Little Knowledge

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic

3-I know enough to repeat what I did

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?


What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

Using GCPs